Tout le monde peut réussir sur Instagram...
... et vous n'avez pas besoin d'être un multimillionnaire globe-trotter pour le faire !
Yes, the good news is that everyone’s life, be it personal or professional, can be interesting to the masses - it’s all about how you choose to present it. Plan a simple strategy, adopt a friendly persona and above all else share authentic, original Instagram posts. Be consistent in all these areas and watch your audience grow.
Instagram is no different to other networking sites, in that a strategic approach will help to increase engagement. Interacting with the wider community will boost your visibility; liking and commenting on other pages will draw users to your account. But the single biggest element to get right is to showcase original, well-composed Instagram images. With Design Wizard you can create scroll-stopping, professional Instagram posts in seconds.
Exploitez les tendances
Le café est chaud en ce moment ! - il y a 1,4 milliard de tasses de café consommées quotidiennement et parce que c'est une si grande partie de la vie quotidienne, c'est l'une des tendances les plus accessibles pour plonger vos orteils. (Pas littéralement - c'est dégoûtant.) Instagram est inondé de caféine et c'est toujours un sujet très tendance.
Conseil de pro : Si vous téléchargez vos propres photos, l'utilisation d'une variété de tasses, de différentes couleurs, formes et tailles vous aidera à vous démarquer de la foule.
Fashion is always big on Instagram. It doesn’t have to be frightening and we are not suggesting you update your entire wardrobe every week! But, clothes are an expression of a person’s personality. Showing Instagram an #OOTD (outfit of the day), or part of it, every so often will give people a feel how who you are and what you’re about. It doesn’t have to be serious either, you can always make fun of your fashion choices! Upload your photo to Design Wizard, polish it off with vignettes, graphics or text and flaunt your original flair.
Fitness and health related hashtags are attention grabbers on Instagram - ideal if you are a selfie loving, weight-lifting gym bunny. But, even if you are allergic to working out - work with that. Anti-gym Instagram posts, where users express their aversion for all things healthy can be funny, real and relatable.
Et rappelez-vous toujours que si vos publications Instagram peuvent susciter des sourires, il y a de fortes chances que vous augmentiez également votre nombre d'abonnés.
Comment concevoir des publications Instagram en 4 étapes simples
1. Select your Instagram Post template from over 17.000 ready-made templates.
2. Select one of more than 1.200.000 images or upload your own image.
3. Changez la couleur et le texte de votre propre message personnel en utilisant plus de 100 nouvelles polices.
4. Share or download your own brand new Instagram Post.