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A Simple Resume Template for the Perfect Professional Resume

Your resume is in essence your professional calling card. Where does your current resume stand? Does it need some updating? This simple resume template, superior and easier to use to anything you'll find on windows, will help you take your resume from so-so to superior.

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Creating a New Resume from a Simple Resume TemplateF

For many people, developing a resume can seem a hassle. The time and energy it takes, finding just the right layout, the appropriate font, the details abound in resume creation. Sure, Microsoft Word has a number of available templates, but these tend to look less than professional. Below are four easy steps for creating a new resume with our super simple template.

Depending on the nature of your job and the business you’re in, you will want to select your template accordingly. We offer a variety of simple resume designs. And while simple, each and every one of these resume templates will result in a highly professional looking finished resume document.

After selecting the ideal template, you can begin to customize and thereby make the chosen resume template your own. Your resume after all needs to reflect who you are. From the font selection to the order of occupations to job/office experience, it is easy to personalize your resume.

Who says a resume has to be all writing and no images? In fact, some of the most interesting resumes are ones that while simple, feature a photo. The goal is to connect with the person reading your resume and give yourself a better chance of getting that job and thus becoming a part of that office.

Great! You are nearly done creating a stellar new resume. You can send your business resume online. Or, you can also download and print your customized template. (Our resume templates can be done in just about any size). Regardless of how you submit your newly created simple resume, it is sure to help you land that next big job!

Resume Templates That Get the Job Done

So what exactly are the components of a simple resume? Our designers set out to create resume templates that work great for a multitude of industries. The key here is that the templates are simple, meaning, they rely upon a minimalist resume design. That is why it’s important to ensure that everything is perfect in terms of the writing. Any classic template you choose from our library will result in a winning resume every single time. Did we mention, these resume templates are ideal for any business and so easy to use--even if you only have basic skills when it comes to working on a resume.

Items to Include on Resume TemplatesWhy It’s Better to Go With a Resume TemplateClassic Resume Templates: You Can’t Go Wrong!  

You want to include of course job history on your resume along with relevant business or office related experience. Your resume should also highlight educational experience, your basic contact information, as well as any special skills you might have applicable to the job/business to which you’re applying. You also want to think about the font you're using on your resume along with the most relevant font size. Have you thought about your cover letter? Neglecting to include a cover letter with your resume will only decrease your chances of being hired for that job you're after. 

Sure, you can crowd your resume with all sorts of writing, images, font styles, graphs, you name it. But when it comes right down to it, an employer is simply looking for the best job candidate for their business. Resume templates with too many bells and whistles ultimately clutter that resume, and it will be difficult to evaluate whether or not you’re right for the job. It's important to therefore stick with a simple resume and classic template in order to truly impress the business owner. 

Design Wizard’s resume templates contain classic elements that elevate resumes to that next level. And by using a template for building your resume you are saving a ton of time—time that can then be spent searching for the perfect job. The question is, why haven't you been using a resume template? 

A Simple Resume Stands Out When Starting with a Professional Template

With a simple resume template design, the key features, skills, and experience that make you the best candidate for the job will stand out. The template you choose will make a difference! This is why so many people opt to start with a resume template versus beginning from scratch with Microsoft office or word. The finished product, your stunning new resume template, will help make you a top candidate for the job.