Images d'en-tête de blog
Concevoir des images d'en-tête de blog accrocheuses
It might be stating the obvious, but a high standard of writing is the single most important factor when creating compelling blogs. However, a way with words is not the be all and end all. How a blog is presented and promoted has a huge impact on its success. With Design Wizard, you can create beautiful blog header designs that will set you and your writing apart from the crowd.
Faire une déclaration
Un aspect important d'un en-tête de blog design is that they contain the blog title. But, whether your blog header design is type-centric, illustrative, realistic, abstract or minimalist should be down to the style of the author or brand.
One popular blog header design trend is hand-drawn style illustrations. We have thousands of graphics, patterned backgrounds, borders and frames that will suit every type of blog, from sweet and feminine to bold, clean and contemporary. Combining illustrations with realistic photographs can also give amazing results.
Wallpaper style blog header designs look brilliant as backdrops for text. You can add vignettes and colored panels and then adjust their opacity to make sure that the words pop. For more inspiration, browse through our professionally-curated templates and choose one that you can put your stamp on.
L'essor des blogueurs
Il est presque impossible de donner un chiffre précis sur le nombre de blogs actifs sur Internet. Mais ne laissez pas le marché encombré vous submerger, il y a beaucoup d'espace sur Internet pour des blogs bien écrits et pertinents.
We have a wide variety of different fonts to choose from and this number is growing every week. For a blog header design, the words should be clear and easy to read. If your brand will benefit from a swirly cursive then just make sure that it is legible. A sensible rule is to balance a fancy font with a simpler one for the rest of the text.
Comment concevoir des designs d'en-tête de blog en 4 étapes simples ?
1. Sélectionnez l'arrière-plan de l'en-tête de votre blog parmi plus de 15 000 modèles prêts à l'emploi.
2. Sélectionnez l'une des plus de 1 200 000 images ou téléchargez votre propre image.
3. Modifiez la couleur et le texte de votre propre message de marque en utilisant plus de 100 nouvelles polices.
4. Partagez ou téléchargez votre propre nouveau design d'en-tête de blog.