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National Croissant Day

National Croissant Day is an unofficial holiday observed on the first Friday of May in the United States. The day was established by a group of croissant enthusiasts who wanted to celebrate their favorite food, and it has been celebrated annually since. Starting out as the Austrian crescent-shaped pastry called "Kipferl", the modern croissant that is widely known today was born when the French adopted it and started making it with puffed pastry.

The flaky pastry can be filled with savory or sweet fillings but a plain croissant is also a delicious treat, particularly with a fresh cup of morning coffee. 

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 Celebrate the French Pastry with Your Design

If you love baking, create a visual for your favorite croissant recipe. From basic pastry dough to homemade croissants with your choice of filling, illustrate your recipes in a fun and eye-catching way.

Here's how you can make baking treats even more fun with Design Wizard:

Step 1: Browse the Design Wizard library and find croissant-related or National Croissant Day-themed templates. Scroll through flyers, posters, cards, or social media post sizes. Choose what you need with a simple click.

Step 2: Customize your chosen template. Adjust the text, icons, and images. Position your design elements and change font styles and line spacing for your recipe.

Step 3: Save and download your final design. And that's it! It's ready to print or send to your friends via email.

How to Observe National Croissant Day

If you're a fan of croissants, visit French bakeries and treat yourself to a nice assortment of croissants. Do you prefer a big helping of butter on a plain puff pastry or a buttery croissant? Would you add Swiss cheese or prefer cheese croissants? Whatever takes your fancy, get yourself a good breakfast or lunch.

Ever thought of getting into baking croissants yourself? Exchange pastry recipes with friends and have a bake-off. Find out who's the most talented baker among your friends and can make the flakiest croissant.