What is the perfect business card size?

A business card is part of your overall brand. So guiding the business card’s size right is important. There is no one exact answer for the perfect business cards and design are. The perfect business card size depends on your business and how you want to portray yourself. Nowadays it’s okay to stray from the same old same old as far as that traditional rectangular shape. Business cards today often do take a walk on the wild side, in a manner of speaking. Get adventurous. Be bold with your business cards. This is what you give someone by way of a “keepsake” of you; so how do you want them to remember you? Here we offer a business card size guide

The single most important item to consider for your business card is your logo design. Every business card should include your business logo. If you don’t already have one, we recommend 48hourslogo. For just $29, you will get a bunch of designers competing to create the perfect logo for your business.

As noted, business cards of this nature do not have to be boring. Let me repeat: business cards don’t have to be boring. It is an expression of you. It should ideally show that you put some time and thought into all aspects of your card. So why not make it uniquely you.  

What is the standard business card size?

Let’s look at the standard business cards, as far as the card size guide benchmark. Typically, what you will most often see are business cards that aligns with the following as far as US sizes and business card dimensions: 


  • Business card size: 3.5” x 2”
  • Business card size in mm: 88.9 x 50.8 mm
  • Business card size as far as pixels: 1050 px x 600 px

What size is a business card in the UK?

In Europe and the UK sizes different slightly for a standard business card:

  • Business card size inches: 3.346” x 2.165”
  • Business card size in mm: 85 x 55 mm
  • Business card size as far as pixels: 1004 px x 650 px


These business card dimensions are the standard sizes for the above regions. Design your business cards based on these dimensions is a safe bet. But who always says safe was the right way to go? Perhaps you are looking for something a little bolder with your business card designs. Having a unique looking business card could suit your business or brand much better than the standard dimensions seen above. If you are thinking about exploring outside the standard a little, our card size guide can help you find what you are looking for.

Card Size, Thickness & Texture

Your card size again depends on what you want. The above is the standard. If that’s what you want, there you go. The other consideration here as far as the overall size and feel is the thickness of the card. Thicknesses do range and depend upon the type of paper chosen for your card. For example, a lighter weight card, say around 13 pt (or 0.013”), is often used primarily for display purposes. They can be a bit flimsy and are prone to bend and wrinkle. Whereas, if you opt for a heavier weight paper, say around 30 pt (or 0.030”), now this is the type of card that is apt to be around longer and thus make a more solid impression. 

Also, the finish of the paper is important. You will have some decisions to make regarding whether or not you want the card uncoated: much like that which comes out of the printer—more of a “paper” feel, or coated: containing a form of sealant that helps to protect the business cards from damage. And in choosing a coating, do you opt for a matte or more glossy finish. 

How your business cards look also depends on your budget, the main purpose of the card, as well as your personal preference. What do you want your business cards to say about you? How do you envision it reflects you as a professional? Our business card size guide is here to help!

Certainly, there is nothing wrong with going with a standard size and/or weight it comes to your business card. The key really is going to be the design of your business cards. It can be as large or small as you choose, thick or thinner, vertical or horizontal, differently shaped or rectangular and yet, if the design of the business card falls flat, ultimately it will make an underwhelming impression.

The Perfect Designs

When it comes to designing the business cards, the easiest way to go is to start with a professionally created template and then adjust accordingly. This way, you know that the margins are perfectly laid out. 

When considering how to best represent yourself and your company via a business card design, think outside of the box. Creativity is everything when it comes to card design.

Just ask yourself: do you want to get lost amid a field of same-old-same-old, or make a dynamic impression with a business card that truly says something about you? If you chose the latter, here are twenty business card ideas that will get you noticed! 

1.Geometric Card Design

The eye naturally tends to gravitate toward definitive shapes, bold rectangular structures and interesting lines. With a business card that is largely geometric you are without question making a statement. It’s not necessarily about putting all relevant info front and center; rather, it is also about the element of fun and perhaps a bit of whimsy as well. 

With geometric design you have flexibility. And flexibility, especially given the economy of space, is crucial. Depending on how the template is laid out, you can opt to place name and contact information in a variety of different configurations as can be seen in the above example. 

2.Keeping it Simple

Simplicity can be underrated. You can have a card design that is both simple and yet still quite memorable. A card that showcases white space as much as it does name, business and contact information, really serves to call attention to the intent of the card itself: highlighting you and your profession.

Sometimes clutter detracts from the focus. And of course, simple also doesn’t meant that you can’t incorporate some clever, albeit, subtle design elements—even if they’re a bit on the quirkier side. There’s something to be said for quirky! 

3.Angular Designs

Hand-in-hand with geometric business card ideas are those that take advantage of angles. Angles have a sharpness to them. This sharpness inevitably catches the eye and directs it accordingly. And in conjunction with a series of interconnected angles, having a color palette that blends complementary shades adds to the effectiveness of the overall design. 

4.Abstract Card Design

Business card design doesn’t have to be so literal. Keeping people guessing, making them take a second look, this can certainly add to the effectiveness of any card. For instance, in the above example, many are apt to wonder upon first glance, what exactly is this? This response in turn, helps keeps your particular card at the forefront of their mind.

5.Photographic Business Card

Perhaps one of the most popular design ideas: the photographic card. Think about it, actual photo images are vibrant, they have depth and dimension, they have the capacity to bring a business to life. Many people now are moving toward the photo business card and with good reason. A few of the many benefits of going with this style business card…

Photo design ideas express personality. More so than a basic card, one featuring a photo really does allow you to put a bit of your personality out there. This is why you really want to take some time to pick the perfect photos. Ask yourself questions like – what aspect of your personality do you want your chosen photo to reflect?

Photographic cards pop more. Without question, a stunning photo capturing some aspect of your business is going to have a more pronounced look and feel. Stock images are a high quality and affordable resource when creating a business card.

6.Go Retro with Your Card

You’ve heard the saying “all things old are new again,” well that stands true for business cards as well. Eighties and nineties (especially eighties) design is back, and with a modern twist, it is better than ever. Nothing says fun like that blast from the retro past. Certainly, it is bound to make the recipient of said card smile. And that is a very good thing! 

Does retro fit your business model? Before in fact, going full-on retro with your card, make sure that it’s relevant to your business model. Granted, numerous companies and/or professions can make it work. 

7.Bold Color Cards

​In some cases, the bolder the better. You can do so much with color—you can say so much with color. As in the above example, the eye is struck by the vivid yellow and then you’re immediately drawn to the black and white graphic so starkly set against this particular backdrop. The great thing about integrating a vibrant and maybe even unexpected color scheme into your design is that the possibilities are literally endless. You can give your card a look and feel that speak uniquely to you. ​

8.Minimalist Design

Some people prefer a more understated design and yet one that still pops given the right mix of graphic elements, logo and color. There is certainly something to be said for really foregrounding a company logo as well as your name, especially if it is done professionally, tastefully and memorably. 

Contrasting colors in minimalist design works. Contrasting colors immediately allow the different elements to stand out. And standing out is of course the goal with any business card. 

9.Artwork and Icons

This particular example is reminiscent of a throwback look. Not quite retro however, it keeps things simple and yet adds enough interest to give the card some dimension. It’s just a fun card to look at, plain and simple. You’d be surprised at the look/feel you can accomplish by just including some fairly basic graphic art illustrations and/or icons to the background of any card. And especially if your job or company has certain inherent icons associated with it (as with the above dental office example), this could be a really great design strategy. ​

10.Freeform / Sketch Style Card Design

Not all lines have to be perfectly symmetrical or even straight for that matter. Especially if yours happens to be a more creative field, it’s okay to get a little messy with the card design. In fact, some professions will work extremely well with this kind of aesthetic and you can always set your name/info off by making it somewhat more traditional in terms of font.

11.Playing with Silhouettes

Sometimes you get the most bang for your business card buck by playing with silhouettes and shadows. These types of images are strong; they can be striking and when set against the right color background, they can certainly make a definitive impression. Sometimes the key is to offer the suggestion of who you are and what you do and leave the rest up to the imagination. ​

12.Multifaceted Design Approach

The beauty of business cards is that they do leave you plenty of room to be creative—as creative as you want to be actually. That said, you’re not relegated to one single design aesthetic or one single approach. You can combine a variety of card design ideas to arrive at that which perfectly suits you, your personality, and the essence of your company. 

The Retro and the More Modern Look. As you can see this particular card makes use of retro inspired colors, while the design elements have a hand drawn, more modern feel.

Contrast and Simplicity. Again, the above template blends a few different techniques and styles. Relatively speaking, it is fairly simple in terms of design. And yet the contrast of the lighter colors popping against a black backdrop add greater depth.

13.Dramatic Card Design

Have a flare for the dramatic, as they say? Why not express this part of your personality via your business card design. Black and white photos do a great job when it comes to this type of style. There’s just something about elements stylized in just such a way that paint a more vivid picture of a company or professional. 

14.Cute and Fun Cards

Again, as has been noted, business cards really are in some ways an extension of one’s personality. If you want to keep it a little offbeat and have some fun with it, project a cute image that will endear itself to recipients of said card. You do you! The above example is super simple and yet still super interesting. The image depicted says all that needs to be said about this particular business, and that the dryer cord encircles the name adds a touch of whimsy to something that might otherwise seem a bit too simple. 

Get creative when it comes to your work. That is to say, is there an image associated with your profession that could be used in a fun and clever way on a business card, thereby making it even more memorable?

15.The Straightforward Business Card

For some, it’s about getting to the point, presenting the info needed and perhaps adding a pop of subtle color. The wonderful thing about the world of business cards is that now there are so many variations, designs, styles and elements, that anything is possible, and by the same token virtually anything works. As long as it is relevant to you and conveys the needed information, then it is perfect. The reason why there are so many templates available is because, well, everyone has their own unique tastes. What’s yours?

16.Vertical Style Cards

One sure fire way to have your card stand out is to go against type. Odds are, probably 80% of the cards that people receive are of the horizontal variety. Why not go vertical? You still have the same flexibility by way of design elements, and now by also playing with the way in which the overall text/images are positioned, you add another layer of uniqueness to your business card.

Just think about it…as someone is flipping through the plethora of cards they collected at a conference for example, they are reading them all the same way. One after another after another. Lo and behold up pops yours. They are then forced to rotate it in order to read it—this in and of itself makes it one to remember. 

17.Photo Collage Business Cards

While we’ve discussed how beneficial photo cards can be, there is also the photo collage card. Why limit yourself to just one distinctive image that reflects your business or job? Add multiple such images for a truer representation of who you are and what you do. This really gives you a chance to feature some of the highlights of the company. The above bakery example lets you put your best pastries forward and it leaves them wanting more!

18.A Layered Design

Even with something like a handyman services (as seen in the above template), you can still have that touch of classiness with a more layered look. This specific design style blends shapes, text, photo imagery and a pop of color to create a truly layered business card experience. 

The flexibility of a layered design. The great thing about layering elements both drawn, graphic and photo is that it can be useful for literally any profession or business. And it adds a sophistication to the card that is otherwise hard to achieve.  

19.Monochromatic Patterns

Playing with shapes and patterns while utilizing only one color, or various shades of that color can have a tremendously bold impact. The eye, as you can see, is drawn into the intricacy of the design, and because it is all one color with hints of shading, it proves all the more mesmerizing. Consequently, this also serves to help the text and logo stand out even more. 

20.Cards that Make Use of Movement

Swirls, waves, call them what you will—they have a tendency to capture one’s attention. What’s more, this sort of background “movement” on a card can direct the eye accordingly. So for instance, here the eye is being guided to the text box in the center as the undulating pink waves really do coalesce around it. Brilliantly done! 

Creating with Design Wizard

Design Wizard Business Cards templates will account for bleeding and safety margins so that your design is optimally displayed. As you set about choosing the template that “speaks to you” and consequently figuring out how to customize it for your personal needs, consider the following:

Rounding the Corners of the Business Cards?

Here is one design aspect that often gets much debate…perhaps a little too much at times. But some people just feel downright passionate about their business cards’ corners. It is an important aspect and a detail that you should put some thought into. One of the benefits of opting for a rounded corner is that you do create a softer overall effect for your business cards. And depending on your industry, this could work to your advantage. Additionally, while the squared-off corner generally is the go-to choice, a round corner could help you to stand out from the pack. 

The Benefits of the Square-Corner Business Cards

How’s the saying go…If it ain’t broke don’t fix it? A standard rectangular card with standard corners has been working for decades. It is classic, and sometimes sticking with the classics can be a good thing. You really just want to make sure that the business cards—whatever style corner you may choose—complements you and your brand. 

Standard Orientation: Vertical or Horizontal Designs?

Yet another contentious debate on the business cards front. More and more often we are seeing people design business cards that, bucking tradition, utilizes portrait over landscape format. So what’s the difference and why should it matter? With the vertically oriented business card design, it tends to lend itself to more creative endeavors. Those firms looking for a hipper vibe, looking to be fresh and consequently demonstrate their willingness to think outside the typical business card box often go with portrait format. 

Classic Landscape Business Card Sizes and Design

Then you have the flip side of that coin which is the tried and true: the horizontal business cards. We regularly see more “traditional” businesses and firms utilizing this orientation. Again, either is totally acceptable as far as the realm of business cards. In the end, you want it to speak to your vocational essence.

Is Bigger Better with These Cards?

Earlier we discussed the standard US and European business card sizing, but is it acceptable to choose a slightly bigger size? Or for that matter, what if you went smaller? The reason the sizes stand where they stand is quite simple really: it fits neatly into a wallet. The original intent behind the design in some ways. You’re handing out business cards and the person subsequently proceeds to put that card in his/her wallet. Couldn’t be a more perfect fit

So why go bigger? In some instances, you may just need to add more info to the card than the standard space allows. A larger business card thereby lets you do this without the card seeming too cramped or overly stuffed. Also, if yours is a visual field, you might want to have the additional space to really highlight your work.

Should You Go Smaller with Your Design?

As mentioned, there is also the decision of whether or not to make the card a bit smaller than is traditional. The benefits as far as using a smaller business card…Certainly it will stand out from the “regular” cards. Plus, they do tend to cost a little less. So if you are just starting out in your professional life and yet want a lot of cards without necessarily having the budget for it, small business cards could be a good way to go. 

The Overall Business Cards Design & Shape

Now here is where you definitely can have some fun if with your business cards. As mentioned, the classic rectangular business cards are at that 3.5” x 2” size is a good choice. And some companies/professions really do lend themselves to sticking with this more classic card layout. However, going a bit unconventional and visiting some different shapes/styles as far as business cards templates go, could be quite fun. Think square—these are becoming increasingly popular especially for instance among artists and photographers who want a more relevant card shape to show off their work. Round and oval cards also seem to be gaining some ground with those looking to make a splash. There are also shapes that cannot necessarily be categorized, but rather, are more random and fun. Look around at card templates, see what suits your style, and determine if it makes the right impression for you.

Sticking with The Classic Card Shape

Then again, maybe you want to do more with the design itself and less with the shape of the card. After all, the sizes & shapes perfectly fit into a person’s wallet. Why mess with a formula that has taken hold in the world of business. If it works for you, then that really is all that matters.

Square Business Card

If you want to convey your brand and business in a very unique way, outside the norms and standard business card dimensions, square business cards are an excellent way of doing so.

Simply choose any template and resize it to 65 x 65 mm. A square business card fits neatly into pockets or wallets, but the unique shape stands out right away to anyone you give them to.

Square business cards can be very smart and practical. Having a square business card is remarkable. Now, when I say remarkable, I mean it for what it means. People are likely to make a remark about your business cards. Something out of the norm, something remarkable. Perhaps they might even mention it to their friends, and co-workers. Whatever the case, they are more likely to remember you, and your business if your business card is not the usual standard dimensions. So if you are all about being that unique, remarkable brand, perhaps square business cards are the way to go.


The only downside to square business cards is the size. The amount of detail you can put on your card. Because of the smaller size, you have less room to add important details. So, depending on your needs, size could be an issue. If size is not an issue, well then square could be a perfect fit for you.

Glossy or Matte: The Best Choice for Your Card

Whether you choose a standard or square size, the finish is always something that can make or break a business card. We’ve all seen those stunningly beautiful business cards with a finish that is just satisfying to look at, and even touch. These business cards are what we are striving for.

If you opt for a coating on your business cards, you will have a choice to make—do you want glossy or matte. With glossy business cards, there is a sheen to them. This, in turn, tends to make the card pop a little more than perhaps it otherwise would. Glossy business cards are a hugely popular choice for this reason. Matte business cards on the other hand lacks that “shine” factor.

Reasons to go with a Matte Finish

Even though matte cards may not have the sheen that glossy cards have, there are benefits to choosing a matte finish. Primarily, matte cards (even coated) are a bit easier to write on. And very often when handing out a business card, you do find the need to add a detail or write down an alternate number or email address. Something to consider…

How Much Color Should Your Card Have?

This is a great question! And unfortunately, one without a set answer. It is going to depend on how you want your business cards to look in the end. And it’ll probably also depend upon your industry. For instance, if you’re an accountant, your business cards may not contain major splashes of color. On the other hand, if you’re a hairstylist or cosmetologist, colorful business cards may work perfectly. 

Color, without question, and how much (or little) you decide to use in the design of your business cards is a pretty big consideration. Having a vivid and brightly colored card could help it to stand out. Not to mention, bright colors tend to make people smile, smile equals happiness, and happiness equates to them fondly remembering you, your business cards, and your business. 

Toning Down those Business Card Colors

Then again, too much color, or get too carried away with color and it could take away from the point of your business cards, which is to convey pertinent information. It’s about striking that balance between presenting yourself in a dynamic and energetic way, be it via bold colors and/or innovative design, and still ensuring your information gets across in a clear and easy to read manner.

How Much “Stuff” Should Your Business Card Include?

You want to have the basics present on your business cards: name, contact info, what you do for a living. Some also include a logo. There are those who like to have a brief tagline on their business card. But where do you draw the line? How much is too much with a card of this nature? Remember, this isn’t your resume; this is simply a way to get people to remember who you are, and it gives them easy access as far as getting a hold of you in the future. Don’t overdo it with your business cards. Because again, the point is that they quickly scan your business cards and identify the info they need in order to reach out to you.

Some Innovative Ideas for What to Include

There are people who like to get a little creative with their business cards and the content they use. And if done right, it could really work to your advantage For example, as noted, some do include a brief snippet or tagline—this could help drill your brand into their brain so to speak. Some also add social media details on their business cards. Depending on how broad a social media presence you have, this is where you might want to utilize both sides of the card. That’s the other thing a lot of people do—who says you have to stick to one side only. If you have more information you want to include, be bold and go the double-sided route! 


So long story short, as far as business card size, not to mention shape and overall look, what should you aim for? Again, there are a million guides out there that you can review and get ideas from, but in the end, it is all going to be about you and what you hope to achieve with your individualized business card. 

There is no one size fits all approach to business cards; however, the use of a template to start designing the perfect business card is a smart way to go—especially if you don’t necessarily have a huge budget to blow on business cards. Business card templates are affordable and so easy to customize, thus making it a business card design all your own. Plus, the templates also adhere to the guidelines as far as margins go so this way you don’t end up with a card that gets awkwardly cut off or one where things fail to line up as you’d hoped. 

The main takeaways…have some fun with designing your business card, but make sure it reflects your personality and profession, and don’t be afraid to play with the otherwise conventional business card “rules” from our very own business card size guide.

Once you have designed a first draft of your business card, share the design with your friends and family before going to the next step. Ask for constructive criticism on your first business card design. Your friends and family might be quick to say it’s great, but bear in mind, depending on your business card needs, you may be printing 50, 100, or 1000 business cards, so make sure you get it right the first time around.

anne carson

anne carson

Anne is a former English professor turned content writer. Holding a PhD in Literature, she spent almost a decade in academia putting that degree to use, until finally realizing it wasn't exactly the best fit. A full-time writer, she's learned a great deal about the numerous subjects. She knows a lot about design trends and design templates. A mom of five (two teenagers and three dogs).