Brand Trust

The level of confidence and devotion that customers have in a brand, or their firm belief in its ability to fulfil its commitments, defines brand trust. This perception is usually influenced by a blend of personal encounters and corporate communications, in which marketing plays a vital role. Brand trust is not solely determined by recurring purchases or prolonged usage but rather by the customer's emotional attachment to the brand and their willingness to invest their time, resources, or information in it, as opposed to other businesses. 

Brand trust can be influenced by various factors, including.

Quality of products and services:

The quality and worth of a brand's offerings is one of the most critical factors that influence customer perception and brand trust.

Third-party reviews:

Positive endorsements from third-party sources, such as bloggers, influencers, and industry experts, can significantly impact how customers perceive a brand.

Cost-quality ratio:

Customers are always on the lookout for a good deal, so a brand's cost-quality ratio can either improve or damage customer trust.

Customer service:

Prompt, reliable, and friendly customer service can make or break brand trust.

Political and philanthropic stance:

In today's socially conscious world, a brand's political and philanthropic stance can significantly influence customer trust and loyalty.

Employee treatment:

Brands that value their employees and treat them well are more likely to gain customer trust and loyalty.

Data security:

With the increasing risk of cybercrime, customers need to know their data is safe with a brand they trust.

Consistent customer experience:

A consistent and positive customer experience across all touchpoints is vital to building and maintaining brand trust.

Brand trust plays a significant role in consumer purchase decisions. When customers trust a brand, they are more likely to buy from it and repeat their purchases in the future. This is because brand trust creates a sense of security and familiarity, which leads to customer loyalty. When consumers trust a brand, they become more willing to spend money on its products or services, even if they come with a higher price tag than those of competitors.

According to a study by Edelman, 81% of consumers stated that they need to trust a brand before they consider purchasing from it. A survey by BrightLocal found that 91% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase, indicating that third-party endorsements are essential in building brand trust.

Brand trust can also lead to customer loyalty, as a positive experience with a brand is more likely to convert buyers into repeat customers and recommend the same to their friends and family. According to a survey by InMoment, 75% of customers said they would be more loyal to a brand if they trusted it. This means that building trust with customers can help businesses to grow and retain their customer base.

Consumers are more inclined to pick businesses they believe in, particularly those that align with their values. According to a survey by Accenture, 62% of customers stated that they want companies to take a stand on social, cultural, environmental, and political issues that are important to them. This indicates that customers are more likely to be supportive of brands that share their values and beliefs.

Importance of Brand Trust

Brand trust is an essential factor that can differentiate one brand's product or service from another. Here are some ways in which brand trust can affect consumers' purchase decisions.

Failing to Meet Brand Promises Can Result in Consumer Defection:

Our research shows that 65% of consumers have switched brand loyalties because the customer experience did not match the brand's image. Younger consumers are more likely to leave if they feel their experience has not lived up to their expectations. 70% of millennials and Gen Z have switched brands due to a sub-par customer experience. Older consumers are no exception, with more than 50% willing to abandon a brand if expectations are not met.

Brand Trust Builds Customer Loyalty:

Brand trust can help retain loyal customers even when they have a negative experience that does not meet their expectations. By developing brand trust and a reputation for following through, customers view negative interactions as a one-off rather than a representation of the brand's typical operation.

Principles Guide Purchasing Decisions:

Consumers are increasingly choosing to purchase from brands that are in line with their political or social beliefs. Millennials, in particular, are strongly inclined to buy from brands that support their views, with 83% believing it is essential to do so.

Aligning Actions with Values:

Brand trust is the result of aligning business actions, experience, products, and services with the values that a brand promotes. For example, if a company claims to be environmentally friendly but exclusively uses non-recyclable packaging, customers will notice the inconsistency and seek alternatives.

Reputation is Critical:

A company's reputation impacts 63% of consumers' purchasing decisions. Brand trust is a critical metric that customers use to evaluate whether or not to choose a brand.

Celebrity Endorsements May Not Be Enough:

Many businesses attempt to amplify brand trust through the use of celebrity endorsements. However, only 39% of potential buyers surveyed considered public figures or endorsements significant in their purchasing decisions.

Paying for Trust May Have Limited Effectiveness:

Paying for brand trust may only be effective for specific buyers. Creating sustainable trust requires a commitment to "walking the walk" in as many areas of the business as possible.

Role of Design in Building Trust & Examples

Design - Image

Design plays a crucial role in building brand trust, as it can directly convey a brand's transparency, consistency, simplicity, and visual appeal. Familiarity with key design terms can help you achieve this by ensuring consistency in design elements such as colour, imagery, and typography. Understanding these design terms can help establish a brand's identity and make it easily recognisable. Simplicity in design can make a brand's message clear and easy to understand, while visual appeal can get the attention of potential customers and create a positive emotional response.

One example of a company that has successfully built brand trust through design is Apple. Apple's design elements, such as the clean lines, minimalist aesthetic, and consistent use of white space, have become synonymous with the brand and are instantly recognisable. The simplicity and visual appeal of Apple's design have helped to create a sense of trust and reliability in the brand, which has contributed to its success.

Another example is Airbnb, which has built brand trust through its consistent use of design elements such as colour, typography, and imagery. Airbnb's use of bright, cheerful colours and playful illustrations creates a sense of warmth and friendliness, while its consistent use of typography and imagery helps in establishing a clear and recognisable brand identity. This consistency in design has helped to create a strong sense of trust and reliability in the brand, which has contributed to its success.

Thus, design plays a crucial role in building brand trust, and companies that have successfully built brand trust through design have done so by using consistent design elements, simplicity, and visual appeal. By establishing a clear and recognisable brand identity, these companies have created a sense of trust and reliability in their brands, which has contributed to their success.


Design plays a crucial role in building brand trust. Hence, following some practical tips and best practices, businesses can create a design that builds brand trust and establishes a strong connection with their customers. Read on to learn more about what businesses can do.

Consistency is key

Consistency in design across all brand touchpoints, such as website, packaging, and advertising, can create a sense of reliability and professionalism, which can positively impact brand trust. Consistency in elements of design such as colour, typography, layout, and imagery is essential to establish brand recognition and trust. Use consistent branding elements such as colour, typography, and imagery across all marketing materials to create a cohesive and recognisable brand identity. When customers see a consistent and cohesive design, they can better understand and recognise the brand, leading to increased trust.

Example: Apple's consistent use of sleek and minimalist design across all its products has helped establish a solid brand identity and build trust with its customers.

Be secure and use user-friendly elements

A well-designed product or website can provide a positive user experience, which can influence brand trust. A positive user experience can increase the customer's perception of the brand and lead to a greater likelihood of repeat purchases. Ensure your website and other digital platforms are secure and trustworthy. Use security badges and other trust signals to reassure customers. Use layout and design elements that are intuitive and user-friendly. Make sure your website and marketing materials are easy to navigate and offer a seamless user experience.

Example: Nike's user experience is centred around its "Just Do It" slogan, which inspires and motivates its customers to push themselves to their limits.

Use colour theory

A visually appealing design can make a brand more memorable and distinctive, creating a positive association with the brand in the customer's mind. A memorable design can also help differentiate the brand from competitors and increase brand trust. Research colour theory to help solidify what you want your brand to represent and how you want it to make people feel. Choose colours that are in line with your brand values and evoke the desired emotions in your target audience. For instance, blue is often associated with trust and reliability, while green is associated with growth and health.

Example: Coca-Cola's visual appeal is evident in its iconic red and white logo, which has remained unchanged for over a century, and its consistent use of the same font and colour scheme across all its marketing materials.

Use imagery wisely

Design can help convey a brand's values and messaging, which can influence brand trust. If a brand's design effectively communicates its values, customers are more likely to trust the brand and its products or services. Use imagery that aligns with your brand values and messaging. Avoid using stock photos that may appear generic or inauthentic. Use high-quality imagery that aligns with your brand values and resonates with your target audience. Avoid using stock photos that look generic and impersonal.

Example: Airbnb's brand messaging is centred around creating unique and authentic travel experiences, which has helped create a positive perception of the brand and build trust with its customers.

Use typography effectively

The design of a product or packaging can influence a customer's perception of its quality, which can impact brand trust. A well-designed product or packaging can convey a sense of quality and attention to detail, which can increase brand trust. This applies to typography which can convey a brand's personality and tone. Choose fonts that align with your brand values and messaging. Make use of typography that is easy to read and aligns with your brand personality. For example, a modern sans-serif font may be more appropriate for a tech company, while a classic serif font may be more appropriate for a luxury brand.

Example: Netflix employs a sophisticated and minimalist sans-serif font named Netflix Sans, characterized by its sharp edges and corners that evoke a sense of tension and drama.

In the realm of brand perception, design is an indisputable cornerstone that bears a significant influence on brand trust. An adeptly fashioned brand manifests itself in several consequential ways, including heightened customer comprehension and recognition, a user experience that surpasses expectations, an indelible visual identity, effective communication of brand messaging and values, and a palpable sense of quality and meticulousness.

Measuring the Impact of Design on Brand Trust

In the ever-evolving realm of branding, measuring the influence of design on brand trust has emerged as an indispensable pursuit. And, one of the most effective approaches involves seeking customer feedback on design through a variety of mechanisms. One such mechanism entails the employment of customer surveys, which are a potent tool for gaining a comprehensive understanding of how customers perceive a brand's design and whether it engenders trust in their minds. Customer surveys can furnish businesses with a wealth of information, including insights into the most appealing design elements, customer perceptions of design, and the extent to which design fosters trust among customers. Through astute analysis of these surveys, businesses can make informed decisions to augment their design strategies and strengthen brand trust among their customers.

Among the various approaches available, user testing is an especially valuable tool that can help identify specific design elements that may be impeding trust and, in turn, provide ample opportunities for improvement. By subjecting designs to rigorous user testing, businesses can acquire a wealth of information, ranging from user preferences and pain points to specific elements of design that may be undermining trust in the brand. Armed with this information, businesses can then proceed to make data-driven decisions that enhance their design strategies and foster brand trust among customers. Thus, by leveraging the power of user testing in conjunction with other feedback mechanisms, businesses can achieve a profound understanding of the relationship between design and brand trust and effectively position themselves for success in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Another approach to achieving this end involves harnessing customer feedback, including the use of analytics to track key metrics that are indicative of the effectiveness of design in fostering trust. Analytics tools can be leveraged to monitor a wide range of metrics, including bounce rates, time on site, and conversion rates. By scrutinising these metrics, businesses can gauge the efficacy of their design strategies in promoting trust among their customers. For instance, high bounce rates may indicate that customers are not finding the design appealing or trustworthy, while longer time on site and higher conversion rates may indicate a design that creates a sense of confidence and trust. By continually monitoring and analysing these metrics, businesses can make informed, data-driven decisions to optimise their design strategies and reinforce brand trust among their customers. In essence, analytics offers a powerful mechanism for businesses to monitor the effectiveness of their design efforts in building brand trust and, consequently, to make informed decisions that ultimately bolster their brand image and reputation.

Future Trends in Design for Brand Trust

In the rapidly evolving field of design, emerging trends are reshaping the ways in which businesses approach the challenge of building brand trust. Among these trends, ethical design and personalisation have emerged as two particularly compelling approaches. Ethical design emphasises social responsibility, sustainability, and inclusivity, to create a design that aligns with customers' values and builds trust in the brand. As consumers increasingly scrutinise their purchasing decisions' environmental and social impact, businesses that prioritise ethical design are better positioned to foster trust and loyalty among customers.

On the other hand, personalisation involves tailoring design elements such as content, imagery, and user experience to individual users based on their preferences and behaviour. By creating a more personalised and relevant experience, businesses can build trust with their customers and establish a deeper connection. As technology continues to advance, personalisation is becoming increasingly sophisticated, with the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to produce highly tailored experiences. This approach can help businesses build trust by providing a user experience that is both intuitive and responsive to individual needs.

By incorporating ethical design and personalisation into their design strategies, businesses can bolster their efforts to build brand trust and establish a deeper connection with their customers. As consumers increasingly demand products and services that align with their values and preferences, businesses prioritising these trends are better positioned to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Ultimately, by staying attuned to emerging trends and incorporating them into their design strategies, businesses can foster brand trust, loyalty, and long-term success.

In a nutshell, brand trust has emerged as a crucial driver of customer loyalty and business success in today's ever-evolving business world. By harnessing the power of design, businesses can create visually appealing and meaningful representations of their brands that inspire trust, confidence, and a sense of connection with their customers. To achieve this objective, businesses can embrace emerging trends, such as ethical design and personalisation, while leveraging customer feedback and analytics to refine their strategies. Ultimately, by prioritising design and building brand trust, businesses can foster long-term customer relationships, differentiate themselves from competitors, and achieve lasting success in today's dynamic marketplace.

Rahul Shevde

Rahul Shevde

​Coming from India with significant agency experience. Working at Performics India (Publicis Groupe) gave him the opportunity to involve in diverse SEO campaigns from Finance, Graphic Design, E-Comm & Ed-Tech space. Rahul is interested in graphic design software and free graphic design templates. The Design Wizard instruments he uses most of the time are: Add Text To Image Online and Youtube Video Maker.