Imagine walking into a branded luxury store with attractive mannequins display and beautiful product visibility. Surely you will end up making a purchase that will satisfy your longing urge of the product.

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Offline shopping is the phenomenon existing since ages to fulfill customer’s desires and needs. But the table has now turned. The other side of the table is full of smashing and compelling images of its products in an online gallery.  

And what’s better than providing customers with a smooth and convenient shopping experience with just a click. The E-commerce industries have modified and redesigned its concept with the introduction of visual commerce.

What Is Visual Commerce?

In the most basic form, visual commerce is the canopy that roofs enriched and enticing content often created by the users about their experiences with the brand, in visual form.

It highlights the products in a way that sparks off the eagerness in the users and triggers them to engage with the brand. Also, it’s much more than showcasing captivating images. It has swiftly rolled over the minds of the users with a streamlined shopping experience. 

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Simply saying, it’s a new age shopping trend that adds the feature of shoppability to the images of the products and thus creating shoppable galleries. It has shortened the path of purchase by turning around the customer’s engagement to sales.

Visual commerce is an emerging trend coming out of social commerce where you turn social content into Shoppable content using the social commerce platform. 

Brands create their visual commerce stores by curating the user-generated content from various social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. and adding shoppable tags to it. Not only does this align with the aesthetics of the brands, but it also enhances the brand’s authenticity and customer loyalty.

Benefits Of Visual Commerce For Online Retailers

Walking down the lane, we have seen many transformations in the retail industry. It has evolved tremendously. Starting from establishing their e-commerce stores to the introduction of visual commerce, these retail stores have expanded their marketing footprint. 

This revolution has obviously marked its impact on the brand’s marketing strategy with an online shopping experience. Here are a few aspects of visual commerce that benefits the brands and its growth.

Increases user engagement by creating an attractive visual hub

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By curating the content from multiple channels and creating fascinating and mesmerizing shoppable galleries, brands attract more and more customers.

There is no doubt in the fact that visual content is more vibrant and colorful as compared to traditional lengthy product descriptions. People interact in a better way with these visuals. According to statistics, compelling images get 90% more views than basic visuals.

The dynamic UGC with unique and creative content helps the brands with enhanced user engagement and interactivity. 

Shoppable content strengthens the purchase decision of the users

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It would be no wrong to say that people love to shop products but hate the tantrums that fall during their purchase journey. To overcome this chaotic and complex purchase journey, brands have created shoppable galleries.

Simply, shoppable posts are the images of the branded products that are tagged with the product description and specifications along with the price of the product. It has shortened the user’s purchase path as it directs the users straight towards the payments page without any lengthy and complicated process.

It has become easy for the users to shop the look they feel will define them the best based on users’ experiences and their generated content.

Authentic advertising with user-generated content

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User-generated content is the social proof of a brand’s authenticity as it showcases the user experience of the branded products infused in their lifestyle.

UGC humanizes the brand products that have an impactful influence on the users, which have the potential to shape the customer’s purchase decision.

According to the facts, A staggering 93% of customers believe UGC is very helpful while making a purchase decision. Therefore curating UGC from diverse social media platforms is the legit way of advertising as it adds to the authenticity and reliability of the product.

Amplify the graph of sales with higher conversion rates

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Visual commerce is an exciting way to penetrate the user’s mind and influence them with enticing, compelling, and vibrant images.

As we know, visuals have a long-lasting impact on the users that encourages them to get their desires satisfied with the smooth shopping experience provided by the visual commerce platforms.

By creating shoppable posts, brands provide comfortable shopping exposure with detailed product description followed by a streamlined and curtailed purchase journey.

This helps the brand drive the conversion rate, increase sales, and magnify its growth in the online marketing sphere.

How can brands utilize this revolutionary change in e-commerce?

Many visual commerce platforms can help the brands create their own visual commerce galleries with attractive and creative images created by the users and integrate it on their website to improve the online performance.

Such tools help the brands to customize the content according to the targeted audience and moderate the content to display the quality content. Also, it provides brands with real-time updates to display unique content with every click.

Over to you

As we move ahead, keeping in pace with this fast-forward world, brands need to understand the growing need of shopaholic users. Here we have discussed the benefits of visual commerce and how brands can create their own visual and shoppable galleries. It’s time to utilize it and boost your growth rate and sales.

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